Porter's Progress

2-1 Hookup Kinect to Pc + Install Kinect Software
2-2 Run Sample Skeletal Tracking Software Using Kinect on PC
2-3 Create Test Program Using Kinect SDK
2-4 Write Program to Track Person Movement Using Kinect on PC
2-5 Purchase and build Mobile single-floor robot platform
2-6 Data communication between Kinect, Create, and Laptop
2-7 Read up and learn about EKF and SLAM
2-8 Basic Skeletal Following without SLAM 
2-9 Research Visual SLAM techniques
2-10 Implement Feature Extraction/Matching with Kinect
2-11 Implement Visual SLAM with Kinect
2-12 Test Visual SLAM with Kinect
2-13. Construct Stereo Video Camera for ARM
2-14. Vision based SLAM without kinect
3-1 Research Stair Climbing Mechanical Design
3-2. Research Motor Control Electronics and drive systems
3-3. Basic Programming of the Android Controller/Camera
3-4 Design basic stock-parts Rocker-bogie Chassis
3-5. Drive control of servos and motors from android brain
3-6. Setup stock parts chassis robot
3-7. Integrate touchscreen
3-8. Perform basic stair-climbing tests
3-9. Advanced stair navigation
4-1. Create basket and gyro balancing system
4-2. Research Robot Planning
4-4. Final Software architecture
4-5. Develop Basic User Interface for Android commands
4-6. Integrate DSL programming language interface with interface
4-7. Design custom parts for final prototype
4-8. Design plastic ABS enclosure for robot