Micro USB port on the i.MX53 QSB |
- Connect a micro-USB to USB cable between the QSB and your development machine (this is very important because it won't work over the port you used for boot-loading).
- Install Android SDK on your development machine.
- Install the Google Android USB driver.
- Generate a configuration ini file by typing 'android update adb' in the <android-sdk>/tools directory. This file will be created in your .android directory and will be called adb_usb.ini. Open this file and enter the Freescale device ID '0x15a2' on the last line.
- Start up communication between the QSB and development machine by going to <android-sdk>/platform-tools and typing 'adb devices'. This will start up the Android Debugging Server and try to connect to the i.MX53. You should see the device listed.